Features Overview


Shine School of Music

We are partnering with the Shine School of Music and Shine Instrument Rental Barcelona, with the aim to connect musicians in Barcelona with all the necessary resources for a successful and fulfilling musical experience in Barcelona. 

The Alexander Technique is beneficial to all, but particularly for musicians, in that it teaches better posture. Our musical clients will know this to be true! Developed by Frederick Matthias Alexander, an Australian actor who suffered voice loss due to repetitive movements which destabilized his posture and thus prevented him from orating, his techniques have been adopted by actors, dancers, vocalists and musicians the world over. 

As the Alexander Technique is particularly useful for musicians, we hope to create a platform for our musical clients with trusted partners in music in Barcelona. The Shine School of Music has a 10 year history in Barcelona, offering students the chance to have lessons with professional and qualified teachers in English, Spanish or Catalan. The school prides itself in its ability to align students with teachers particularly suited to the style and needs of the student. All the classes are one on one, and offer students the chance to work with professional musicians. Each of Shine’s teachers are practicing musicians and offer unique insights to their instruments and musical styles. 

Not only does Shine offer music lessons but also a fantastic instrument rental service right here in Barcelona. With a variety of instruments available for both short term and long term rental, the instrument rental program offers our clients a grea…

Not only does Shine offer music lessons but also a fantastic instrument rental service right here in Barcelona. With a variety of instruments available for both short term and long term rental, the instrument rental program offers our clients a great opportunity to try different musical paths, or to rent instruments for their children or an event! The school has the knowledge and knowhow to effectively provide the right instruments and advice for both professional musicians and beginners.